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Sendoline Endo Motor

Sendoline’s Endo Motor – gives you maximum freedom of choice!
Sendoline Endo Motor is easy to use and gives you maximum freedom of choice to choose whether you want to work rotary or reciprocating. It is easy to use with the pre-set program for Sendoline’s rotary file systems – S5. But you can also choose to make your own settings. You work cordless and easily charge it when needed with the included charging station.

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SendoSeal MTA

SendoSeal MTA – Root Canal Sealer.
SendoSeal MTA is a root canal sealer designed to permanently seal the root canal. The sealer is bio-compatible and MTA-based, which mean it sets by absorbing moisture in the root canal. With its high pH value (pH 10–12), SendoSeal MTA has an excellent antibacterial effect, which helps with the healing process.

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SendoSeal S3 System

Sendoline S3 System
With the unique new Sendoline S3 System you can work with rotary or reciprocating movement using the same instruments.

Each of the S3 instruments are specially designed and manufactured in NiTi alloy with different flexibility adapted for the role it plays during the root canal treatment. This is unique for the Sendoline S3 System.

Sendoline S3 instruments are designed with a positive cutting angle enabling you to work with both – continuous rotation and reciprocating movement. This is giving you the freedom to choose your preferred endodontic movement.

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